It’s never a party until you have Crowd, so lets go through this one as well. Crowd on Linux / Azure the atlassian directions. Note – need to have the Java Development Kit installed on the server before running through the install We’ll get started on the crowd server “Crowd01” and get that Java installed. Gregorys-MacBook-Pro:~ gvandenham$ ssh -p 53877 [email protected] The authenticity of host ‘:53877 (:53877)’ can’t be

Here we go racing into Jira. Of course I’m using Azure D1 server for testing – Openlogic 7.1 (centos based) lets start with a download jira from Atlassian. The link from Atlasssian points to the tar, lets get the .bin instead. Ssh to the new server (check the ssh port) and create a directory to deposit the install file. Gregorys-MacBook-Pro:~ gvandenham$ ssh -p 54941 [email protected] The authenticity of host ‘:54941

I always like starting with Confluence. It gives me the most feeling of success when done. So, lets start. First thing, is to revisit the database server and create ourselves a confluence database. Commands are in bold. (if you haven’t given yourself root do this command instead: sudo -u Root su – postgres) # su – postgres Last login: Sun Jun 28 01:28:44 UTC 2015 on pts/0 -bash-4.2$ psql

In this series of blog posts I’ll be installing the Atlasssian Product Suite in Azure on Linux. I created a 30 day trial in Azure and I’m using OpenLogic 7.1 from the virtual machine gallery in Azure. I used D1 level servers for all the systems we’ll go through. I’m also doing my remote work from a Mac so terminal commands like SSH and SCP are straight forward and I

Occasionally I find myself needing to test email via an alternate source. Perhaps I want to test to see if a system is answering as part of troubleshooting for instance. Well, telnet works great for that of course. Here’s an example of that, telnetting to port 25., The lines in bold, what I type. Gregorys-MacBook-Pro:~ gvandenham$ telnet 25 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. 220 il-ecs-01.gogo.local

One of the things that I like to do is to create networks in the labs and really experiment with them.  In this lab, I work with multiple routing protocols and throw in a vpn for fun.  I’ve added the code of my routers so you can give them a try as well.     Routes Produced Corp-Edge-Router#show ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP,

Today a little experimentation time as I whip together a lab before rolling it out.   GNS3 is a fantastic tool to router sim.  If you haven’t used it, give it a go  link here.

I’ve been asked a seemingly simple but way more complex question several times this week.  The what to use when scenario in Office 365.   Many of the platforms blend together, platform consumers find themselves taking shots at something that might work and in many cases get lost and do nothing instead for fear of doing the wrong thing.   The do nothing, of course, kills adoption and can wreak

Thank you Jeffrey Snover.   I think he hit an extremely critical point in our industry last night. He related IT Professionals to Lumberjacks.  Now, nothing against lumberjacks.  They do fine work, and they’re extremely good at it, and I think that’s the key point of it.  Lumberjacks have a different career path and its very much set on a routine that will remain the same for life with the