If you’re suffering like I am some days, every once in a while Word Press doesn’t like things. One of the first issues we typically encounter with GoDaddy is wordpress just not sending mail. This can be a super easy fix, and in our case, usually in cPanel we can change email routing to be set to “remote mail exchanger”.

Now, even with that set, you will typically deliver email to spam from a contact form, this because goDaddy uses Microsoft365 on the backend, and its checking your mail against spam rules, spf records, and for dmarc rules.

So, how do you get past it? Fairly simply, with two steps:

  1. Open your contact form 7 form, and update it to include an additional header in the mail tab. You should already have one there that has a header reading “Reply-To: [your-email]”. Add a new header under it, something like “MySitesAwesome: NotReallySpam”. Remember to save the form.
  2. Next, lets add a rule to Microsoft365. We’ll go to outlook.office.com/ecp and in mailflow rules, add a new rule “bypass spam filtering”, that reads if the message header matches the following pattern “MySitesAwesome” with value “NotReallySpam”. Remember to save this rule as well. It should have a checkmark next to it to indicate its active when viewed from the rules screen.

Now, go ahead and test your form out again. It should bypass spam and deliver right to your inbox. Perfection.

Bonus points, check your email headers and see how the message header looks within the email. Cool, right?