Every once in a while I get a request to drop a bunch of groups to excel, and of course we need to grab more than just the members. I usually get the request as provide title, email address, department and company.

This script gives you access to all the attributes you can get off

Get-aduser -Properties *

My source file or $Importfile is an excel CSV – remember to save it as a csv 🙂


So, here we go, the pullgroupmemberlist.ps1. Note that I do a couple of things in here, basically stripping out comma’s, since they’d hurt the csv, checking for nulls, and that sort of stuff.

 This script can be used to list group membership from AD
 It utilizes the ActiveDirectory module to interface with AD
 Gregory V.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
 $MemberList = New-Item -Type file -Force “d:\_Scripts\GroupMembersB.csv”
 $Importfile = “D:\_Scripts\GroupMembershipSourceList.csv”
 write-host "Starting Group Membership Export from groups listed in $Importfile"
Import-Csv $Importfile | ForEach-Object {
 $GName = $_.GroupName
<# Debug #>
 write-host "Processing $GName"

 $group = Get-ADGroup $GName
 $group.Name | Out-File $MemberList -Encoding ASCII -Append
foreach ($member in Get-ADGroupMember $group)
  if ($member.objectclass -eq "user") {  
	$UserInfo = (Get-ADUser $member.SamAccountName -Properties *)
	$UserEmail = $UserInfo.EmailAddress
	$UserName = $UserInfo.DisplayName.Replace(","," ")
	<# Check for Null in User Title and store adjusted variable #>
	if (!$UserInfo.Title) { 
		$UserTitle = "-" 
		else {
		$UserTitle = $UserInfo.Title.Replace(","," ")
	<# Check for Null in User Department and store adjusted variable #>
	if (!$UserInfo.Department) { 
		$UserDepartment = "-" 
		else {
		$UserDepartment = $UserInfo.Department.Replace(","," ")
	<# Check for Null in User Company and store adjusted variable #>
	if (!$UserInfo.Company) { 
		$UserCompany = "-" 
		else {
		$UserCompany = $UserInfo.Company.Replace(","," ")
	$RowOut = "$UserName,$UserTitle,$UserEmail,$UserDepartment,$UserCompany"
	elseif ($member.objectclass -eq "group") {
	$Groupname = $member.name.Replace(","," ")
	$RowOut = "Notice - Nested Group: $Groupname in this group"
	elseif ($member.objectclass -eq "computer") {
	$Computername = $member.name.Replace(","," ")
	$RowOut = "Notice - Computer Account: $Computername in this group"
 <# Debug 
 write-host "$RowOut"
 $RowOut | Out-File $MemberList -Encoding ASCII -Append
 $nl = [Environment]::NewLine | Out-File $MemberList -Encoding ASCII -Append
write-host "export data written to $MemberList"

Execute the file with the typical powershell ./filename.ps1